Hemp Wick

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Hemp wicks are an ideal weed accessory that can be used for a multitude of smoking purposes.

Hemp wicks prevent butane inhalation

As a smoker, maintaining good lung health is paramount. Opting for a tobacco free King Palm blunt cone instead of inferior alternatives, and using a weed accessory like a hemp wick to light cannabis or concentrates versus a traditional lighter are smart choices. 

How do they work?

  • Slow burning string is coated with beeswax, creating slow but steady fire.
  • To avoid inhaling butane from a lighter, simply light one end in your hand.
  • Tilting the flame down will cause it to increase, a tilt towards the sky decreases. Do this when taking a hit. 
  • Apply flame to a blunt cone, bowl, glass bong, dab rig, or other smoking apparatus and inhale butane-free smoke.
  • Extinguish the flame with a swift swipe of the hand and/or pinch of the thumb and index finger.